British Neuroscience Association

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The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) is the largest UK organisation representing and promoting neuroscience and neuroscientists.

Our member's interests cover the whole range of neuroscience, from ion channels to whole animal behaviour to real-life applications in the clinic and beyond. The origins of the BNA stretch back to the 1960s, when informal meetings of neuroscientists in the pub became formalized into what was then known as the Brain Research Association.

The BNA now has around 2,000 members and looks forward to the next 50 years being even more transformative and exciting than the first.

Objectives of BNA are as follows:
1. Promoting on a multidisciplinary basis the study of the development structure and function of the nervous system in health and disease
2. Promoting the dissemination of information to all those interested in the neurosciences and related disciplines by means of lectures, discussions, meetings and reports from time to time obtained from such researchers
3. Advising as far as possible on issues in neurosciences related to health and disease
4. Endeavouring to increase public awareness and understanding of neuroscience research in health and disease
5. Assisting in the training of neuroscientists and other professionals engaged in neuroscience teaching and research
6. Representing the interests of neuroscience researchers and promoting the case for the advancement of neuroscience research in the United Kingdom to government, to agencies providing research funding and to bodies engaged in science administration, regulation and standards.


Rik Henson

Events and Courses

Please click here for the upcoming events

Official Journal

Brain and Neuroscience Advances


Please visit here to view the career page

Contact Details

The BNA Office Dorothy Hodgkin Building Whitson Street Bristol BS1 3NY
United Kingdom
UK & Europe
+44 7584 016279