Bulgarian Society of Neurology

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The Bulgarian Society of Neurology is an Organization with scientific and practical goals. During the recent years, the Society was concentrated mainly on the organization of national events. This led to a decrease in the interest in participation among our colleagues. The Society must undertake the goal of acquiring the proper position it deserves among the other scientific societies, nationally and abroad, as well as the local communities.

The Bulgarian Society of Neurology should become the organization to lead the politics in the field of neurology and healthcare. In order to achieve these goals, the management is taking on the following priority tasks:
1. Establishment of local structures of the Society. Each of these structures is to perform individual scientific activity. It will protect the interests of the neurologists and will present potential problems to the management
2. Organization of ongoing training for the neurologists, according to the European standards. Leading role in this direction should be undertaken by local organizations
3. Organization of training for the general practitioners. They need to be well acquainted with the neurological diseases, in order to recognize the need of a timely consultation with a neurologist
4. Strengthening the ties with other European neurological societies. Organization of collaborative scientific events will allow us to become more familiar with the practices of our colleagues from different European countries
5. To present the problems and issues to the health institutions in order to improve the working conditions of the neurologists.


Acad. Prof. Ivan Milanov

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Official Journal

Bulgarian Neurology



Contact Details

1, Liuben Rusev Str., Sofia 1113
UK & Europe
+359 2 970 22 24