European Pediatric Surgeons Association

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European Pediatric Surgeons Association (EUPSA) established in 1995 with a mission to maintain and promote high clinical standards of surgical care for the paediatric and adolescent patients in European countries, to enhance the capacity of its members to discover, disseminate and apply new knowledge to the benefit of their patients, and to follow the highest ethical standards within the field of paediatric surgery.

The EUPSA aims to achieve its mission through the following goals:
• The Promotion of high clinical standards in all fields of paediatric surgery and in all paediatric surgical centres
• Developing and disseminating guidelines to good practice in European paediatric surgery
• Developing outcome measures, which can be used to assess quality standards
• Stimulating the exchange of experience and knowledge between National Associations and between paediatric surgical centers
• Promoting and supporting individual scholarships and exchange of specialists between hospitals
• Organising workshops and operating teaching sessions
• Establishing high quality training standards in European paediatric surgery in close collaboration with the section of the UEMS and related boards
• Supporting the discovery of new clinical and research insights which may lead to prevention, treatment and cure of congenital malformations, trauma, and all paediatric surgical diseases
• Committees for special fields in Paediatric Surgery (eg.Trauma, Endoscopy, Tumour, Intensive Care.)
• Organization of the European Congress of Paediatric Surgery
• Sponsoring of awards (best paper, best poster, young investigator award, Journal subscription award, etc.)
• Sponsoring of invited lectures, and lifetime achievement awards
• Sponsoring of international European collaborative research projects
• Friendship and fraternity between all members of the Association
• Developing feed-back mechanisms to assess members’ wishes and satisfaction in regard to the organization of the congresses as well as to the administration of the Association
• Regular communication with and between members by a Newsletter
• Ensuring that the administration of the Association rotates regularly and includes many members of different countries
• Enhancing the active participation of young members representing the future generation of leaders within the administration of the Association
• The development of an advocacy role for all fields of paediatric surgery in Europe
• Supporting all activities to educate the public about the role of paediatric surgeons, paediatric surgical diseases and related achievements
• Mutual exchange with other professionals and Associations, which have an interest in the field of paediatric surgery
• Promoting European paediatric surgical achievements worldwide
• Enhancing liaison with the National Medical Association, government, members of the parliament, and other opinion formers about the role and importance of paediatric surgery in practice and research.


Dr. Amulya K. Saxena

Events and Courses

Please click here for the upcoming events

Official Journal

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery


Please visit here to view the career page

Contact Details

EUPSA, c/o Director of the Center of Pediatric Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Strase 1, 30625 Hannover
UK & Europe
+49 511 532-9260
Pediatrics and Neonatology, Surgery