Hellenic Society of Pediatric Surgeons

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The Hellenic Society of Pediatric Surgeons was founded in 1975. The company is based in Athens and now represents about 160 pediatric surgeons, while it also has probationary members, who are specialized pediatric surgeons and associate members from other related fields. The purpose of the company is the promotion of pediatric surgery in Greece and the utilization of the work performed by the Greek Pediatric Surgeons, for the benefit of society as a whole and their scientific status.

This goal is achieved through the organization of scientific days, symposia at regular intervals and a conference every two years, which is the culmination of the scientific events of the Company with the participation of distinguished Pediatric Surgeons, active inside and outside Greece. Doctors of other specialties of common interest also participate in this conference. The Company with its presence in cities outside the major urban centers helps to improve the treatment of pediatric surgery problems, where access to the center is not easy.

1. The purpose of the Company is the promotion of Pediatric Surgery in Greece and the utilization of the work performed by the Greek Pediatric Surgeons, for the benefit of the society as a whole and of their scientific status.
2. The fulfillment of the purpose of the Company is sought:
a) With the scientific cooperation and solidarity of the members of the Company
b) With the assistance of the State Health Services, the Medical Departments of the Universities and the Hospitals of the Country
c) With the participation of the Company in the International Organizations of the sector and the development of partnership relations between Greek and Foreign Pediatric Surgeons
d) By promoting studies and proposals for the provision of a higher level of pediatric surgical care to the population
e) With suggestions for the improvement of the conditions for the practice of Pediatric Surgery and the way of training of the Greek Pediatric Surgeons
f) With actions for the protection of the title of the medical specialty of the members of the Company, their scientific independence, the responsible exercise of their responsibilities and their professional role in the society
g) By holding public scientific meetings of the members of the Society and convening "Panhellenic Conferences of Pediatric Surgery"
h) By collaborating and organizing joint scientific events with other domestic or foreign medical associations
i) With the publication of a magazine of the Company, under the bilingual title ""Greek Surgery - Acta Paedocirurgica Hellenica"" or any other publication
j) By announcing awards and awarding scholarships.


Dr. George Tsikopoulos

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Contact Details

Hellenic Society of Pediatric Surgeons, Aetolia 3-5, Ampelokipoi, Athens, PC 11526
UK & Europe
+30 210 7486089
Pediatrics and Neonatology, Surgery