Italian Society for The Study of Inborn Metabolic Disorders and Newborn Screening

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Italian Society for The Study of Inborn Metabolic Disorders and Newborn Screening (or) Società Italiana per lo studio delle Malattie Metaboliche Ereditarie e lo Screening Neonatale Neonatale (SIMMESN) was born from the merger between SISMME, Italian Society for the Study of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases and SISN, Italian Society for Neonatal Screening.

SIMMESN acknowledges and synthesizes the spirit, history, aims, experiences and scientific heritage of SISMME and SISN. SIMMESN promotes research, organizational development, quality of care, scientific collaboration in the field of hereditary metabolic diseases and neonatal screening. To this end it brings together all those who, with their active participation, intend to pursue the aims of the Company.

Aims of SIMMESN are:
- the collection and dissemination of epidemiological data;
- the organization of congresses and scientific meetings at national and international level;
- the exchange and dissemination of scientific documentation and information;
- collaboration with institutional bodies and other scientific societies;
- collaboration with patient and family associations;
- the organization of training events for Members and other operators in the sector;
- the organization of study groups and collaborative projects and the coordination of therapeutic trials;
- the drafting and dissemination of guidelines, diagnostic and therapeutic protocols;
- the identification of reference laboratories and the development and harmonization of laboratory methods in the field of hereditary metabolic diseases and in the field of screening in the neonatal period and in subsequent ages;
- the organization of quality control and auditing programs.


Dr. Andrea Pession

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UK & Europe
+39 06 87756870
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pediatrics and Neonatology