Nepal Paediatric Society

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Nepal Paediatric Society (NEPAS) is the professional, non-profit making, social welfare organization of the paediatricians of Nepal committed to strive for the overall development of the children of Nepal. Through support for child right issues, child health including preventive measures and professional upgrading and welfare of its members.

The Society was established in 1981 A.D. by a group of paediatricians working in Nepal. Since its inception it has played pivotal role in the development of community child health by its endorsement of child health policies strategies and interventions developed by WHO, UNICEF, USAID and other agencies working in the field of child health and also work closely with this agencies in establishment of ORT units training of health man power in ARI, diarrhea, malnutrition, breastfeeding, vitamin A and IMCI etc. On its own initiative the society established extended paediatric service in the suburbs of kathmandu valley in Bode, Thimi, clinic in Namgel School, Swayambu and High School Bode and it also runs free clinic in its premises in Pulchok Lalitpur.


Dr. Ganesh K. Rai

Events and Courses

Please click here for the upcoming events

Official Journal

Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society



Contact Details

Nepal Paediatric Society G.P.O. Box No. 2668 Kathmandu
+977 9803594327
Pediatrics and Neonatology