Polish Pediatric Society

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Polish Pediatric Society (or) Polskie Towarzystwo Pediatryczne (PTP) works on the task to provide comprehensive medical care for children and adolescents. The effective implementation of this goal in the Republic of Poland depends on the close cooperation of pediatricians who are aware of the specific needs of the developmental population. Children's doctors, faithful to the principle of the integrity of pediatrics, associate in the Polish Pediatric Society and adopt the following statute.

The aims of the Society are:
disseminating knowledge in the field of developmental medicine;
participation in creating a health policy towards the developmental age population in order to ensure the proper development and health of children and adolescents;
raising the scientific level and professional qualifications of pediatricians;
spreading the principles of deontology and professional ethics and ensuring their observance representing the interests of all Polish paediatricians, in particular towards: state and local authorities (central and local administration), medical self-government authorities, and towards associations of doctors of other specializations and all other scientific associations;
establishing and maintaining international cooperation in the field of developmental medicine monitoring the health needs of children.


Dr. Jarosław Peregud - Pogorzelski

Events and Courses

Please click here for the upcoming events

Official Journal

Polish Journal of Pediatrics


Please visit here to view the career page

Contact Details

SPSK1 PUM Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncology and Immunology 71-252 Szczecin, ul. Unii Lubelskiej 1
UK & Europe
+48 91 425-3139
Pediatrics and Neonatology