Portuguese Society of Metabolic Diseases

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Portuguese Society of Metabolic Disorders or Sociedade Portuguesa de Doenças Metabólicas (SPDM), founded in 2002, is a scientific society whose main goal is putting together professionals from different fields under the scope of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM).

SPDM aims to promote awareness of IEM, implementing early diagnosis and therapy in order to increase the quality of life and social integration of all patients. SPDM encourages scientific research, development of diagnosis and therapeutic protocols and organizes regular clinical and laboratorial meetings, pre and pos-graduate courses, as well as an annual International Symposium. SPDM promotes and supports the training of professionals in the field of IEM, awarding several scholarships and grants.

Objectives of SPDM are:
• Organization and / or sponsorship of training actions (days, meetings, courses, degrees, master's degrees);
• Encouraging research in the area of inherited diseases of metabolism (DHM)
• Cooperation between Portuguese Treatment Centers
• Organization of protocols for diagnosis and therapy
• Acquisition and access to new technological and medicinal resources
• Negotiation to improve social benefits for patients and families
• Collaboration with official entities in the definition of legislation regarding DHM, chronic illness and mental disability
• Creation of public or private institutions to support profoundly disabled people


Dr. Maria Dulce da Silva Quelhas

Events and Courses

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Official Journal



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Contact Details

SPDM, c/o Faculty of Pharmacy, UL, Av. Pinto Range, 1649-003 Lisbon
UK & Europe
+351 217 946 400
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism