Spanish Society of Neurology

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The Spanish Society of Neurology is a Spanish scientific society founded in 1949 that has around 3,500 members, most of whom are Spanish doctors specialized in the field of neurology.

The main objectives of the SEN are:
• Promote and encourage the progress of Neurology, disseminating and promoting the knowledge of the specialty and its principles
• Encourage interaction between professionals in the neurological medical specialty and all sectors of society that may be related to it, as well as collaboration and cooperation between them for the promotion, development, study and scientific and practical knowledge of the specialty
• Represent the interests of its members within the framework of the Laws and before the bodies of the Public, Health and Teaching Administrations, and other national and international, public or private bodies or entities
• Serve as an informative body regarding the functions and purposes of the specialty and collaborate with public or private entities through the preparation of studies, reports or similar
• To seek the resolution of conflicts between its members due to aspects related to the specialty; organize professional, research, training, cultural or assistance activities individually or in collaboration with public administrations, health centers, hospitals, medical schools, medical schools or other scientific societies
• Defend the interests of neurologists in situations related to the specialty
• Represent Spanish Neurology internationally, promoting its image abroad
• Organize, carry out and celebrate events and scientific-medical and scientific-cultural events related to Neurology
• Edit, publish, produce and distribute, by any means and medium, magazines, books, reports and other documents related to Neurology.


Prof. Dr. José Miguel Láinez Andrés

Events and Courses

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Official Journal



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Contact Details

Sociedad Española de Neurología Vía Laietana, 23, entlo AD Barcelona, ​​Barcelona 08003
UK & Europe
+34 933 426 233