Swiss Stroke Society

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Swiss Stroke Society or Schweizerischen Hirnschlaggesellschaft (SHG) was founded in 1996, as a specialist body consisting of neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and neurologists who wanted to promote interdisciplinary exchange on the subject of stroke.

Even today, interdisciplinarity and interprofessionalism are important pillars of the society, which is open to all professional groups involved in stroke treatment and seeing themself as a discussion forum for interested clinicians, scientists and medical specialists and strive for the best possible care for cerebrovascular patients. SHG promote open, consensus-oriented communication and advocate the values of gender equality in the prevention and treatment of patients as well as in the professional life of our members. The medical and scientific exchange is maintained at both the annual conference and the annual Swiss Stroke Trialist's Meeting.

A central task of the SHG is the development of evidence-based medical guidelines as an important prerequisite for a high quality of stroke care in Switzerland. The implementation of the quality standards is ensured by the establishment of specialized stroke units and their certification is continuously checked in cooperation with the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neurosocieties (SFCNS). Another goal of the society is to promote further education and training and research for doctors, nurses and therapists in the field of cerebrovascular diseases.


Prof. Dr. Crass Nedeltchev

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Contact Details

Congrex Switzerland Ltd. Reinacherstrasse 131 4053 Basel
UK & Europe
+41 61 686 77 20