Panhellenic Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists

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The Panhellenic Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists (PSDD) was founded in 1969 and is based in Athens. It is the official voice of representation of Dietitians - Nutritionists of University Education in Greece for the last 50 years.

It is a member of the European Federation of Dietitians 'Associations ( EFAD ) since 1982 and the International Committee of Dietitians' Associations ( ICDA ) since 1984, as a result of which it is an internationally recognized body representing Dietitians-Nutritionists in Greece.

The purpose of the Panhellenic Association of Dietitians - Nutritionists is to promote Public Health by informing scientists and the public about the latest data in the field of nutrition and health.


Theodora Irini Sialvera

Events and Courses

Please click here for the upcoming events

Official Journal

Hellenic Journal of Nutrition - Dietetics


Please visit here to view the career page

Contact Details

Panhellenic Conference on Nutrition - Dietetics, Panormou 23 (4th floor), Athens, ZIP115 22
UK & Europe
+30 210 6984400
Nutrition and Food Technology